Conversation with a Stranger

Stranger: If it’s not too much, can you tell me about it?

Her: I had all the good intentions but I felt it wasn’t being valued at all. I was right there and everything was blowing up in my face. Then it came to a point that I questioned myself, what I was doing there. I don’t know what I did wrong.

Stranger: Sounds like you didn’t do anything wrong at all. If anything, you did even more that what you were supposed to do. You were not supposed to care but you did. Even if it wasn’t your responsibility anymore, you did the part.

Her: And I’m also worried about another thing…

Stranger: What is it?

Her: The things I do in my life. Is it scaring other people? Is it too big? Is it hard to understand?

Stranger: What’s wrong with that? It shouldn’t even matter. You don’t have to do the same things to understand each other.

Thank you, stranger.

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